Monday 14 February 2011

not Indian food, but I'll make an exception for this Vietnamese dish

I must be addicted to this one restaurant my colleagues and I used to visit frequently because everytime I go back home I have to get some pho to satisfy my cravings.  I was afraid they use MSG but after making it for the first time, I think the broth for the pho noodles the restaurant makes could possibly be done without additional MSG.  Although, mine didn't quite turn out like the restaurant's version (which may very well be westernized), I did enjoy it and look forward to figuring out how to practice and improve my bowl of pho.  Usually at the restaurant I would order a shrimp based pho, but since that isn't authentic I was suggested to make a beef pho based on a colleague's recipe.         


  1. Looks nice! Is that coriander on top?

  2. yes it is coriander (or cilantro as we say in the US)

    it might look like Malay soup, but it tastes like Thai soup after all the lime I put in that bowl
